Saturday, January 5, 2008

Lobster a la Newburg

Photo by Marzk

Lobster a la Newburg...

FROM: The American Pure Food Cook Book and Household Economist (The Marguerite Series, No. 141, Feb. 1899, Subscription Price $ 6.00/year) © 1898, Geo. M. Hill Co., Publisher, Chicago, Il.

Split two good-sized, freshly boiled lobsters. Pick all the meat out from the shell, and cut into one-inch length pieces. Place it in a saucepan on the hot range with one ounce of butter. Season with one pinch of salt and a half salt-spoonful of red pepper, adding two truffles (!) cut into small pieces. Cook for five minutes; then add a wineglassful of Madeira wine. Reduce to one-half, which will take three minutes. Have three egg yolks in a bowl with a half pint of sweet cream, beat well together, and add to it the lobster. Gently shuffle for two minutes longer, or until it thickens well. Pour it into a hot tureen, and serve hot.

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