Saturday, June 28, 2008

Candied English Walnuts

Candied English Walnuts...

Put one and 1/2 cupfuls of granulated sugar in a saucepan with 1/2 cupful of water. Stir until the sugar is dissolved, then boil until the syrup will spin a short hair when dropped from the tines of a fork. Drop in 1 pint of shelled walnut meats, and when the sugar comes again to the boiling point, take from the fire and stir until the syrup changes to white candy, a portion of which will adhere to the nuts. Let stand until cools, then sift off the extra sugar. This may have half as much granulated sugar added to it, and boiled a second time. - "A. R."

FROM: The American Pure Food Cook Book and Household Economist (The Marguerite Series, No. 141, Feb. 1899, Subscription Price $ 6.00/year) © 1898, Geo. M. Hill Co., Publisher, Chicago, Il.

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