Saturday, October 13, 2007

Strawberry Tart

FROM: The American Pure Food Cook Book and Household Economist (The Marguerite Series, No. 141, Feb. 1899, Subscription Price $ 6.00/year) © 1898, Geo. M. Hill Co., Publisher, Chicago, Il.


One pound sifted flour, yolks of two eggs, one gill ice water, three-fourths pound fresh butter, one tablespoonful sifted sugar, strawberries. Rub the butter into the flour and sugar, add the yolks of eggs and mix well with a knife; then add just enough ice water to make a paste that will roll out. It must be firm paste, rather dry. Be careful that the flour is dry and the butter cold. Roll out the paste about 1/3 of an inch thick; line it with a pie-dish at least one inch deep with straight sides; trim the edges neatly, and bake the empty crust in a quick oven for 10 to 12 minutes. When the tart is to be served, fill it neatly with strawberries, pour some of the syrup over and serve with a pitcher of cream. The strawberries should not be allowed to stand long in the crust, or its crispness will be destroyed. The crust should be firm, brittle and crisp, not flaky.

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